Uniform Information

All Union Academy students wear uniforms to promote the academic environment. Every student wears a uniform as a source of pride while 'dressed to learn' each school day. The dress code is set by the Uniform Committee comprised of UA staff and approved by the School Advisory Council.

Union Academy Teachers & Support Staff make a uniform check of their students before first period each day.

Clinic and Medication Procedures

  • UA follows the Polk County Public Schools policy for dispensing of medication on campus.
  • Students taking medication during school hours must have a doctor's authorization. No medication of any kind will be dispensed from the office without a doctor's authorization.
  • Students will not carry medication on their person under any circumstances.
  • Students may ask their teacher for a pass to the clinic or go to the clinic between classes.

Grading Scale

  • A = 90 100%
  • B = 80 89%
  • C = 70 79%
  • D = 60 69%
  • F = 59% and below
  • Reminder: All middle school students MUST maintain at least a 'D' average in all their academic classes and an overall GPA of 2.00 in order to be promoted.

    These standards are also required in order to remain a student at Union Academy. Failure to maintain these standards will result in the student being returned to his or her zoned school.

    Promotion Requirements

    • A middle grades student must pass all academic subjects plus earn an overall grade point average of a 2.0 to be promoted to the next grade level.
    • Academic courses: English Language Arts, Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
    • A student must earn a 2.0 Grade Point Average to return to Union Academy.

    Supply List

    Find out what supplies you will need for the school year at Union Academy.

    Please contact the Main Office if you have any questions or comments concerning the supply list.

    All students will need a backpack or shoulder bag to carry school supplies and school issued laptop. No roller bags or backpacks with rollers will be permitted.


    Florida law requires all 7th grade students to show proof of the following immunizations before they may attend 7th grade classes: MMR (two shots), Tdap (one shot), Hepatitis B (three shots), Varicella (one shot) or signed proof of disease. Proof of listed immunizations must be provided to the school on the immunization record. For detailed county immunization requirements click here. Under the heading, "Medical Forms and Procedures,'"click the link, "Entrance & Immunization Requirements."

    Requesting a Parent Conference

    Please contact Ms. Beth Row ([email protected]) to request a parent conference. Due to our teacher's schedule, most conferences are held during our grade-level team's planning periods.

    Check Out Times

    There are no checkouts after 2:30pm on regular school days

    There are no checkouts after 12:00pm on early release days.